
The Crusading Society

Saturdays 9:30-11am ET on Google Meet.

In this course, we will examine the Crusades to understand their causes and consequences for the formation and transformation of "Latin Christendom" and, as a result, Europe. It will investigate whether what R.I. Moore famously termed "a persecuting society" might be characterized as "the crusading society." The course will attempt to employ medieval and Mediterranean history to explore the shared roots and connected genealogies of Islamophobia, antisemitism, white supremacy and settler colonialism in our own world.

This free, open, online course is a collaborative venture between Guerrilla History podcast, The Majlis podcast, The Muslim Societies-Global Perspectives project at Queen's University with support from the David Feldman Show community and is co-sponsored with the Islamophobia Documentation and Research Project at UC Berkeley and the Islamophobia Studies Journal. All views expressed by the instructor are his alone.

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